没必要管这些……你去买一瓶后面会没写吗?下面是百度查来的:Nutrient Agar (营养肉汁琼脂)
Pepton (蛋白胨) 5g Beef extract (牛肉膏) 30g
NaCl 5g Agar (琼脂) 15g
Distilled water (蒸馏水) Adjust (调) pH to 7.0-7.2
[Note]:When cultivation of Bacillus,5mg of to MnSO4.H2O may be added .
It is favorable to promote spore formation .
Azotobacter Medium (固氮菌培养基)
KH2PO4 0.2g K2HPO4 0.8g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g CaSO4.2H2O 0.1g
Na2MoO4.2H2O Trace(微量) Yeast axtract(酵母膏) 0.5g
Mannitol(甘露醇) 20g FeCl3 Tract(微量)
Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Agar (琼脂) 15g
Adjust (调) pH to 7.2
Peotone Glucose Yeast extract Medium PGY (蛋白胨、酵母膏、葡萄糖培养基)
Peptone(蛋白胨) 10g Yeast extract (酵母膏) 5g
Glucose (葡萄糖) 1g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1L
Potato Dextrose Agar PDA (马铃薯、葡萄糖琼脂)
Potato extract (马铃薯汁) 1000ml Dextrose(glucose) (葡萄糖) 20g
Agar (琼脂) 20g
[Note]: Potato extract: Slice potatoes thin. Add 1000ml of water, immediately to prevent Oxidtion of juice and boil until soft. (approximately 30min.). Filter through cotton-cloth. Autoclave at 115℃ for 20 minutes.(注:取去皮马铃薯200克,切成小块,加水1000毫升煮沸30分钟,滤去马铃薯块,将滤液补足至1000毫升,加葡萄糖20克,琼脂15克,溶化后分装,15磅灭菌30分钟。)
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