农业知识综合四真题大全及答案 农业知识综合四真题大全及答案解析
1.He has not cleared the apartment since his mother's visit.
2.They might as well take the next bus.
3.She has to do extra work for a few days.
4.He failed to do what he promised to do.
5.The woman does not like horror films.
6.The speakers share a common view on love.
1.The woman found herself in a wrong place.
2.The woman is the manager's business associate.
3.The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.
4.The woman is the manager's secretary.
5.They need more time for the report.
6.They need help to interpret the data.
1 埋在地下一千年的酒,出来以后叫什么? 答案:酒精。
2 有一只猪,它走啊走啊,走到了英国,结果他变成了什么? 答案:Pig。
3 上课老师抽查背课文,小猪,小狗,小猫都举手了,老师会叫谁? 答案:小狗,因为旺旺仙贝。
4 蝴蝶, 蚂蚁, 蜘蛛, 蜈蚣,他们一起工作,最后哪一个没有领到酬劳? 答案:蜈蚣,因为无功不受禄。
5 动物园里大象的鼻子最长,那第二长的是谁呢? 答案:小象。
6 哪种水果视力最差? 答案:芒果。
7 哪两种蔬菜有手机? 答案:萝卜青菜,各有索爱。
8 一只乌龟从一堆大便上走过,却只在上面留下3个脚印,为什么? 答案:有一只脚捏着鼻子呢。
9 人为什么要走去床上睡觉呢? 答案:床不会自己走过来。
10实是斯巴达800勇士,为什么到了电影里面变成300了? 答案:伍佰去唱歌了
11 小强为什么能用一只手让车子停下来? 答案:打的
12 如果有一辆车,司机是王子,乘客是公主,请问这辆车是谁的呢? 答案:如果的
13 金木水火土,谁的腿长? 答案:火腿肠
14什么人一下子变老? 答案:新娘.因为今天是新娘,明天是老婆
15一颗心值多少钱? 答案:1亿.因为一心一意嘛
16台风天气要带多少钱才能出门? 答案:四千万.因为台风天气没"事千万"不要出门.
17试了,不能看什么书? 答案:百科全书(百科全输)
18果明天就是世界末日,为什么今天就有人想自杀? [答案]去天堂占位置
19提问:布和纸怕什么? 回答:布怕一万,纸怕万一。 原因:不(布)怕一万,只(纸)怕万一。
20:铅笔姓什么? 回答:萧 原因:削(萧)铅笔。
1.A wandering cow was captured by the police.
2.Some tourists were injured by a wandering cow.
3.It is a starting online exhibition.
4.A collection of birds fossils from Austrelia.
5.Some ancient wall paintings from Australia.
6.Photograshs of certain rare fossil enhibits.
1.Resturants should calculate the tips for customers.
2.Customers should pay more tips to help improve service.
3.Waiters deserve better than just relying on tips for a living.
4.Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.
1.To enable tourists to visit Goat Island.
2.Millions of coins on the bottom.
3.It shut down two border crossings with Libya.
4.Devise a monitoring system on the Tunisian
border with Libya.
5.A plant-powered mobile phone charger.
6.While sitting in the courtyard.
1.Rising unemployment worldwide.
2.Few countries have realized the seriousness of the current crisis.
3.Put calorie information on the menu.
4.They will be fined.
5.Faliure to integrate innovation into their business.
6.It is the creation of something new.
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